The process of installation

Step.1 Free inquiry

And want to ask the security camera installation somewhere is being considered, better ask if where you have no idea. Such customers are first of all please feel free to consult.
Contact us by telephone cannot, of course, we can also be contacted by email.

Step.2 Estimate in the local

Confirm the status of professional camera, based on the location of your choice, we offer the real.
Perfect case for your installation and location varies, so ask first survey. After the survey, officially still quote we bring.

Step.3 Consider

We have presented in the survey estimates and present your content, and your consideration thank you.
You may be wondering, such as financial and service any questions please.

Step.4 Work day definite

Date and time of your request, will be demonstrating a task.
If you hurry, early in the morning and late at night, your wish, please consult convenient.




Step.5 Start working

Our company is staffed by a reliable security equipment specialist. We are qualified professionals with the correct knowledge and skills.
We offer high-quality service to our customers.

Step.6 Your payments

After the work is completed, provided we officially estimated amount paid for, all the work will be finished.
After the installation of the camera also if you have questions or something, always feel free to contact us.
* Made sure customers by service areas, merchants and local conditions before on surveys and estimates may cost.
* Step1-stage and show 3, quote, please consider that if, at any time cancellation is possible.

Contact us by phone
10:00~18:00 Except Sunday